Sunday, July 06, 2008

More Berlin Fun - The Dalai Lama and the Brandenberg Gate

Quite by accident, Andrea and I stumbled upon the Dalai Lama in Berlin. What an amazing piece of good fortune! We were wandering about the city taking in all the tourist sites - the Brandenberg Gate, the Reichstag and the Jewish memorials - only to discover ever increasing crowds as we approached the gate. At first we thought this might be some Sunday protest of the kind Berliners are apparently famous for, but as we got closer and closer we began to suspect that maybe the Dalai Lama was actually in town. For a piece of unexpected good fortune this was all very exciting. So now Andrea and I have seen the Dalai Lama speak on the subject of global dialogue and the importance of non-violence as an everyday ethic underneath the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin! Quite remarkable!


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