Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Autumn Fun

so I've worked out that little boys come hard-wired with an exquisitely fine-tuned playdar! An innate capacity to sniff out any and every opportunity for park action when out in the stroller. Amory is now so attuned to the local park layout that if we turn the wrong way from the front gate on our way out he points in the appropriate direction of the nearest park and starts chatting away 'more, more'. Hooray I say! Off to the park!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

So Proud!

Andrea and Dell's show at Craft Victoria last Thursday was, predictably enough, a grand triumph. The paintings and garments worked together in a compelling symmetry while Andrea received much complimentary feedback. Amory and Harper behaved themselves as only toddlers are won't to do. Let's just say that 20 something ladies tolerate far more bad behaviour from the sons than the fathers...oh well lesson learned! I was having so much fun that I neglected to take any pix on the night. Hopefully more are floating around so I shall post more as they appear.