Ahhh Feel The Serenity...
I would say this is the most beautiful place I have visited thus far in Beautiful British Columbia but hey it's getting to be a pretty close run contest!
Andrea, Cameron, Amory and Aurelian. Once West of Denman, Vancouver CA; now North of Elgin, Melbourne AU
I would say this is the most beautiful place I have visited thus far in Beautiful British Columbia but hey it's getting to be a pretty close run contest!
Quite a surreal site on the steps of the Vancouver Art gallery with Book of Lists finding just the right amount of rock swagger facing off with the ball room dancing competition taking place just across the road at the UBC pavillion. Take you pick - it all swings! Find Book of Lists on myspace now, they're great!
Another amazing weekend here in sunny Vancouver...after so many magic nights like this, memories of the long wet winter are receding further and further. Does it ever rain in Vancouver!? Sadly, Brooke has now left us for celebrity spotting on Santa Monica beach, yet we had one last hurrah to send her off. Commencing with Andrea's finest baked tarts on the beach for the sunset on Friday evening through to the Battles and Book of Lists rocking out at the Vancouver Art Gallery (not to mention a few too many with a man named Lyle at Bosman's late Friday night); and then the joys of Bowen Island in perfect weather on Saturday. What luck comrades!! Safe travels Brooke and what a great weekend.
No the title of this post makes no sense unless you happen to think that great art might actually be made out of piss-take and other ruminations on the awkward physical possibilities of your avergae yoga class...certainly our friend Mark thinks so! So in homage to Mark's manifest artistic genius this series of photos celebrates the madness that is late summer in Van-city. Seems we have all had more than our share of summer loving these last couple of weeks and the east-van party meltdown last night was no exception. Has been quite some time since Andrea had so much fun...with dancing in lounge-rooms mandatory of course! Still perhaps some more photos of beer will help tell the tale...
Greetings friends, family and comrades afar!